Front page : Protection of Depositors : Deposits of Estonian branches

Deposits of Estonian branches

Deposits of Estonian branches of foreign credit institutions

Deposits of Estonian branches of foreign credit institutions which are guaranteed and compensated under a guarantee scheme of the home country of the credit institution to the same or a higher level than prescribed by the Guarantee Fund Act shall not be guaranteed and compensated out of the Sectoral Fund.

Deposits with Estonian branches of foreign credit institutions are guaranteed and compensated under a guarantee scheme of the home country of the credit institution.

Estonian branches of foreign credit institutions
Home country of deposit guarantee scheme
Compensation limit (in euro)
Currency for payment of compensations
OP Corporate Bank plc Eesti filiaal
Finland webpage:
100 000
AS Citadele banka Eesti filiaal
Latvia webpage: 
100 000

As the terms and conditions of deposit guarantee are different in the deposit guarantee schemes of European Union Member States, then every depositor should contact the branch of the specific credit institution to obtain information about the terms and conditions of deposit guarantee, including the limit of compensation and the currency used to pay out the compensation.
